General Highlights from the regions


Our strategy for every year is to raise Godly and fulfilled Christian leaders. Through the SU head office and 9 regional offices, this strategy is being rolled out this year with the hope that 350,000 people will be impacted. Already, 61 districts in Uganda have a Scripture Union district area committee composed of volunteers to support this strategy. However, the limitation for the staff is inconsistent resources. It is therefore vital that we give towards SU ministry. We pray for increase so that we are all able to do more.

In our strategy, we are only able to monitor and support SU clubs in 1700 schools this year. In these, we can train and visit more than once to see how they conduct their activities. However, this number is very small. With your giving, we can do more in discipleship and continue to do well in evangelistic outreaches too. Where have we been in 2023? Here are some of the outstanding outreaches we have had recently;

Kampala and Wakiso

In the month of February, we had a partnership mission with Makerere Deliverance church to reach out to key schools within Kampala and Wakiso. During the mission we reached out to 1551 youth in 7 secondary schools and 780 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour.


In January – March, a committee of student leaders from different schools known as the Mbale District Students Committee ensured smooth running of activities in Mbale District. Under the leadership of their patron Mr. Anthony, these leaders reached out to different schools monitoring activities and reporting to the SU office through their patron. Many of them testified that they are growing in leadership due to the opportunity given by SU to serve. In a related update, 27 schools participated in a leadership training organized by SU at Mbale S.S. We used the SU leader’ guides to empower them with skills of managing clubs.


In January and February, activities were held to promote devotional guides in the district with good

results. We also thank God for a donation to SU by a very supportive family and with God’s help hope to develop this land for ministry in future. Furthermore, schools like Masaka Baptist p/s were reached with the VOICE program using the self-control module where many the children testified to gaining skills of decision making and letting go of anger.


A patrons training was successfully held in February with 15 patrons in attendance. The Busoga team has also continued to run radio programs reach the entire region with the message of salvation.


In March, we held a successful training on the Values Education Class (VEC) module of Truth at St Paul Bukwenge, 65 Participants took part in the training. This was just one of many trainings we have had on the different values modules developed by SU. We have also continued to develop a new module on Respect. We praise God for the Values program and pray for more opportunities to train on all the 7 modules that are fully developed.


In March, the special needs and family ministry through partnership was able to reach out to prisoners

and staff at Kirinya men’s and women’s prisons. 1,618 were reached in total. 37 received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.


In February, we trained 31 leaders from Hoima city on SU club leadership. The training was hosted by Duhaga SS. In the same month 121 members attended our regional AGM, committing to continue supporting ministry in the midwestern region.


In order to disciple believers, SU NWR partnered with Christianity Explored to train elementary Church leaders. This s a one-year certificate course that ends in award of Certificate in theology by African Renewal University. In February, 200 graduated from this course. We thank God for them and pray for impact in their ministry.

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